
Events > Names & Contact Data

If you can get a roster of the participants to be photographed you can import that data into CORE. At minimum you need names and divisions (teams/groups). Ideally you'd like emails and cell phone numbers also, so you can easily market your photos.

If you will be importing names with no contact data, you can use registration to collect contact data from your participants.  In some cases, you may not want to import a name roster if it does not contain contact data, you may opt to use registration to collect your names and contact data.

Click here to learn more about registration options.

The Roster

Before you import your roster, you need to make sure it's formatted in a way that CORE will recognize the data.  You will likely need to edit the headers of each column so CORE will recognize the data in that column.

At minimum you will need to import FirstName | LastName | Division | for Schools and Sport events.  Graduations may only need FirstName | LastName |.

The division is going to be what team/group/class the person is associated with.  Below is a quick guide for the most popular imports.

In ALL cases you want to try to get email and cell phones so you can market your photos via email and text messages.

In addition to the name, division and contact data you may need additional data imported for captions on products you'll be ordering, such as, school service items like ID cards.  To get a full list of import columns for your specific event, make sure your offer is setup on your event, then go to the Names & Contact Data page in CORE and click the "Export Excel Template".

This template will give you all the headers for the captions you are offering.  You can optionally fill in all the caption data for your subjects and import with your names and contact data.

Note:  if you are doing your event as a "View First" event and don't have a need for school service items, then importing just the name, division and contact info. is really all you need.

Importing Names & Contact Data

To import a roster go into your event in CORE, then on the left menu click Names & Contact Data.

  • Click on the Import Names and Orders

  • Click Choose File to browse for your roster (Excel Spreadsheet or CSV file)
  • Check Worksheet contains field headers and Default Division
  • Click Continue

  • If you used the appropriate headers, CORE will recognize those headers and appropriately match them to the correct CORE Fields
    • Always double check to make sure your data is matching to the correct field.  If it is not, you can manually select the correct field from the dropdowns before proceeding.
  • When all fields are matched, make sure you check to import secondary addresses.
  • Click continue
  • If you did not import caption data, you will see a pink box that warns you that you are offering products that contain captions and those captions were not in your spreadsheet.  If you are doing a "View First" event or plan to include the captions later when you import or key orders, you can just ignore this warning and continue.
  • When the import is complete you'll see the 100% status

Adding Data to Names Already Imported

In this scenario, you have already imported your name list into CORE. To add information to your existing participant data, you will need to export the names already in CORE and add the new data to your exported list.

  • Go into your event> Names & Contact Data> Export Name data to Excel.

This will download the data that CORE currently has in your event.

  • Open the downloaded spreadsheet.
Before you proceed you will need to delete some items from the exported spreadsheet
  • Delete the column EventID
  • Delete the Spots Column (if you reimport this data it will double your IDs)

Now you can add the new data to your exported spreadsheet

  • Add your new data to the appropriate columns

IMPORTANT: YOU MUST KEEP THE NAMEID AND ANY ADDRESSID COLUMNS to avoid duplicating names and addresses

  • Once you have added your data to your spreadsheet you can now import it
  • Click on Import Names & Orders
  • Follow the same instructions as importing the first time
  • When you get to the final screen, you will select "Edit name and addresses data only, do not change their event association" and continue

  • When finished it will give you the 100% status message