Orders - Placed in CORE (Manual Order Entry)
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  2. CORE - Quick Guides
  3. Orders - Placed in CORE (Manual Order Entry)

Bulk Orders

This article will walk you through how to bulk order products for an entire school/league.

  1. Log into the event you will be ordering from
  2. Select Order on the left hand menu then select Bulk
  3. Choose the option "Bulk Order Individual Products by Division"
  4. Select which package you would like to order from the dropdown menu
    1. Please note the product you are ordering must be set up as "Contains Group" not "Requires Group" to be available for bulk ordering.
    2. If the item you are ordering uses captions it will pull from the Offer Setup page. If you need specific captions for each division you can set those up on the Caption Overrides page or modify the order to enter in product specific captions. 
  5. Select "Group Frames: One for each team"
    1. If you do not need to order for all divisions you can select a specific division from the dropdown
  6. Select "Skip over teams with no primary group image configured"
    1. This is an important step and if not selected the order will not populate correctly.
  7. Select the Carrier and Packaging that is applicable for your order. 
  8. Once you select Continue you will be given the order id(s) and can click on it to confirm the correct qty/images were ordered and the captions if applicable are correct.