Gift Certificates & Discount Codes

Event Level Discount Codes

If you need to create a discount code for individuals within an event you can do so by using the Event Level Discount Code setup. This is an add-on feature that can be enabled on your workflow.

Adding the Event Discount Option on an Event

  1. While in your event, click on Add-On Features and check "Event Discount Codes"
  2. Click on Event Details to refresh the left menu
  3. Click on "Event Discount Codes" on the left menu
  4. Click on "Configure Code"
  5. Select the type of code
    1. Discount Mode:  Single Code for the Event or Bulk Unique Random Codes
    2. Discount Type:  Dollar Amount or Percent Amount
    3. Dollar/Percent Amount:  Enter the amount you wish the code to be good for
    4. Expiration Date:  Select your option
    5. Assign To:   Select who you want to assign a code to
    6. Number of Discounts:  Total # that will be created
    7. Divisions:  Select what divisions you want to create codes for
    8. Is Teacher/Coach:  Select to include or exclude
    9. Choose if you want to allow discount to be combined with others
    10. SAVE

Codes will populate on the page.  You will also see the codes when editing a name that has a code assigned and you can export codes with the name export.

Template Merge Fields for Discount Codes

There are two merge fields that can be used to automatically pull in the codes into printed templates and emails.

If you created a single event code you'll use merge $EventDiscountCode$

If you created unique individual codes you'll use merge $NameDiscountCode$


Below are the screenshots of the above mentioned steps.