
Events > Create an Event

To manage event images, place orders, post online and market them, you will create an event for each photo job.

Creating an event in CORE is easy!  You will need a few things in place before you are able to create an event in CORE. You will need a workflow, shipping scale, product offer and tax rates to be setup before you create your event.  Note: setting up workflows, shipping, tax and products only has to be done once.

To Create an event in CORE, go to the Events Menu in the top menu bar, then click the Create New Event button. 


Enter your event name.  Keep in mind the event name will appear online, in search options and possibly in emails and text messages, so it's important that the event name means something to your customer.  We don't recommend abbreviations.  Next enter your event date. If your event is multiple days, enter the first day's date. 

The other settings should automatically fill in based on your workflow.

The event deadline should coincide with your email/SMS campaign and your product offer set on your workflow. We suggest a deadline of 7 days after your event date. The late fee amount, if you choose to use that feature, is setup on your shipping scale.  If you choose to charge a late fee for ordering after the deadline, the late fee date needs to be set 1 day after the deadline date.  This should also be controlled by your workflow. 

Add-On Features

The Add-On Features are also determined by your workflow but you can turn them off and on during the event creation by simply checking or unchecking boxes. It is best to uncheck any feature that you do not plan on using so that your event menu will accurately reflect the steps you'll be taking while managing your event, and the staff working the event will not be confused by extra menu items that you do not intend to use. You can always turn an add-on feature on later once you are working on your event. 


You can download full documentation on creating your first event here or view the video below: