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GRADUATIONS - Selfie Registration & IDing - Using an Event QR Code

How to setup a Graduation Event using Selfie Registration & IDing using the Selfie and Data collected via the Event QR Registration Code

Click on a category to jump to that section of information


If you don't already have a workflow setup for a selfie graduations, you can import the default workflow named "GRADUATIONS - Selfie Registration".

  1. Go to the settings page in CORE
  2. On the left menu select Workflows
  3. Select the default workflows tab
  4. Find "Graduations - Selfie Registration" and copy
  5. Make sure to edit the workflow to include your offer and sales taxes

Event Setup

  1. Go to the Events Page in CORE
    1. Select Graduation on the left menu
    2. Click the "Create New Event" button
    3. Select Market Type: Graduation
    4. Workflow:  Graduation - Selfie Registration (if you don't have this workflow go to the settings page, then workflows to import it)
    5. Enter your event name & date
      1. The Deadline and Late Fee should auto fill, but can be edited
      2. Select the offer (We HIGHLY recommend one of the CCS Grad Offers)
      3. Enter the event location zip code
      4. Enter the school name
      5. Enter the city, state where the school is located
    6. Confirm Face Recognition and QR Code Registration are checked under Add-On Features



Offer Setup

  1. On the left menu select Offer Setup
    1. Confirm the offer you want to use has been selected (we recommend one of the CCS Grad offers) 
    2. Enter the captions and logos you want on your products
      1. Captions that will be unique for the person ordering you should leave blank (they will be prompted when ordering)


TKO/Chroma-Key Setup

  1. If you are going to be offer dynamic and/or rendered backgrounds, you'll need to setup your folders for cutouts
  2. Click on Chroma-Key/Knockout on the left menu in CORE (while in the event)
    1. Select Configure Folder
    2. Select Add Folder > Enter Folder Name you plan to upload your TKO/CK images into  (Make sure to set a folder for each photographer photographing on TKO/CK backgrounds.  If using PhotoMatch to upload, you should setup backup folders as well.)
    3. You only need to select "Allow customers to choose dynamic backgrounds on retail" unless you want to pre-render your cutouts to backgrounds
    4. If you want to prerender to backgrounds, you'll need to add the location of your backgrounds and set your output folders (output folders are where your rendered images will be placed)
  3. If you are allowing dynamic background choices online, you may optional select "event specific" backgrounds to show first.  To do so, select Dynamic Backgrounds on the left menu
    1. Narrow the filter to a category or select all
      1. Check any backgrounds you want your customer to be able to select online.  If you also offer pre-rendered backgrounds, don't check those same backgrounds here since they will already have those backgrounds.  Check different backgrounds, so they have alternate choices.  If you don't have any backgrounds to choose, click here to learn how to add backgrounds to your library.


Registration Setup

If you imported the CCS workflow for Selfie Registration you can skip down to creating the QR Registration Cards/Signs

  1. While in the event in CORE on the left menu select QR Code Registrations
    1. Select Edit Registration Settings
      1. Under Name Registration Settings, make the following selections
      2. Under Name/Address Prompt Overrides, enter the following
      3. Under Email Receipt, you can optionally check to send your customer and/or yourself a copy of the registration receipt
        1. If you choose to edit the HTML Email, make sure you keep $RegistrationDetails$ in the message.  This contains the registration summary.  You may optionally use the other mergefields.

          It is recommended you also include the $RegistrationCode$.

      4. Under Custom Prompts, select 2 prompts Prompt 1 Text:  Upload Your Selfie - to find your grad photos


                      Prompt 2 Text:  Your selfie should be a close-up photo of just your face, with no                                                      others in the photo.<br>Selfie Example: <img src                                                                            ="/QP4Assets/40169/Custom/GradSelfie.jpg"><br><br>Click the                                                     "Select Photo" button to continue

                                                 Save Changes


Creating the QR Registration Code Cards and/or Signs

Keep in mind the QR card can also be used as your Name Caller card and be collected during the ceremony

Sample Templates

Event QR Registration & Name Caller Template

Event QR Registration Card Template

Event QR Registration Sign Template

  1. On the left menu select Event Details
  2. Under the Retail Event Status section you'll see the Event QR
    1. Click on the QR to expand the window
    2. Right click on the QR code and copy
      1. Paste the code onto your MS Word template
    3. Now copy the direct link
      1. Paste the link into your MS Word template below the QR Code
    4. Make sure your template contains the event name, date and time of ceremony
      1. Labeling your cards with the event name, date and time will help you ensure the correct QR codes get to the correct ceremony
    5. Save your template
    6. Print as many cards as you will need for your graduation
    7. Repeat these steps to paste the same QR, Link, Event Name, Date and time onto larger templates that you can place on signs at the event
  3. Scan your QR Codes to preview the registration site


At the Event

  1. Each graduate will be given a name card to scan and complete registration by entering their name, contact information and uploading a selfie.  Name cards may optionally be used by the name caller to announce the graduate as they cross the stage.

It is CRITICALLY important that all graduates be given a card and they register.  It may require staff dedicated to making sure all graduates register.  The selfie and contact data collected via registration is how you are going to ID and market photos.

Watch the videos below for details on registering.

  1. We recommend taking the follow photos before, during and after the ceremony
    1. Friends and Family candids before ceremony (graduate must be in photos)
    2. Processional photos of graduates as they enter the ceremony
    3. PR Photos of the stage and overview of the ceremony
    4. Speakers & Performers
    5. Graduates as they receive their diploma
    6. Graduates in front of a white background (TKO) either before or after the cross the stage
    7. Recessional photos as graduate leave the ceremony
    8. More Friends and Family candids after the ceremony (graduate must be in photos)
  2. We recommend uploading photos during or immediately following the ceremony
    1. If a PhotoMatch user, you can use PhotoMatch just to upload images while shooting.  You don't have to match to names, just use it to upload images.


After the Event

  1. If you haven't already, upload your images.  It's important to upload and market your images as quickly as possible.
  2. Upload your images
    1. Leave all images in the same view category
    2. Lock folders
  3. Go to align images on the left menu
    1. Save and Mark Aligning Complete
  4. Disable Registration
    1. Go to Edit Registration Settings Page
    2. Check Disable registration on a specific date and enter today's date
  5. Go to Face Recognition
    1. Start a new job
    2. Select ID image using pre ID'd reference images
    3. In the first section select the REF folder of images
      1. Select set 1 through the end of sets in the category view your reference images are in.  Go to Align Images to see how many sets there are.
    4. In the second section select all the other folder other than the REF folder
    5. All other setting will default to where they need to be
    6. Click Review
    7. You will see the cost for running face recognition.  Click Confirm to start the job.
  6. When the job is complete it will show 100%
    1. You can click on the "View Results" button to view details of the face recognition
    2. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can change the confidence level to view different results.
      1. We recommend a confidence level of 55
      2. If you enter a higher number it means it's more confident in the match, which will result in fewer matches
      3. If you enter a lower number it means it's less confident in the match, which means you will get more matches which could result in false matches
      4. You can change the confidence level and click update to see the changes
      5. You can hover over an image and click ignore to remove a match
    3. If you made any changes to the confidence level or ignored any images, you'll need to click Delete Previous Saved IDs in the upper right corner, then click Save detected IDs to update.  NOTE:  If you go to ID images and save any pages there, that will override the ability to delete and/or save IDs on the face recognition page.   
    4. Once changes are made you will need to resync the event to retail before your customers will see the changes.
      1. Go to Event Details
      2. If you haven't already enabled the event on retail, click enable event on retail
        1. If you had already enabled the event, Click Advanced Options button
        2. Select Refresh Event Info/Names/ID on Retail
        3. Check all 3 options and Resync
        4. Click "Enable Email Campaign"