Offers & Products

Why are no group packages showing up online?

If you click on a group and continue to order and nothing is showing up, a setting in your offer is likely the culprit.

It is important in your offer to be sure that you have the correct selection made in order for your group products to show up online.

1. Go to the product in CORE and click the edit button to the left. 

2. Then click the Edit Package Settings button at the top of the page to expand the options available. 

3. Go to the bottom of the options and there is a section titled: Restrict this package to specific images: Check the first box next to the menu item that reads "I only want this package to be available when ordering from a Group/Team image." then click Save Package Settings

4. Be sure to refresh the offer on your event and preview the event online to ensure that the group products are now showing as expected online. Do this by going to the event in CORE and under the Event Details click on Advanced Options>Refresh Offer & Captions on Retail. After that is complete, click on Preview Event to view that event online.