Rosters - Names & Contact Data

Excel Spreadsheet Column Headers Used to Import Names & Addresses into CORE?

Learn the correct field headers to use when creating a spreadsheet.

The easiest way to figure out what your headers should be is to create your event in CORE then go to the left menu>Names & Contact Data. Click the button that says Export Excel Template. This will export a template that includes the headers for that specific event taking into account the market, workflow and offer that you have assigned. 

The most commonly used headers that will work for MOST events are the following: FirstName, LastName, PEmail, SEmail, PCellPhone, and Division. 

Download a sample template:

(headers may differ based on products in your offer. The safest way to load data is to follow the above instructions. Below are some sample templates from different event types)

Sports Excel Template

School Excel Template

Grad Excel Template