Offers & Products

Can I copy a package or product into an offer?

Copying into your existing offers is an easy way to refresh your product offering.

If you have an offer that is working well for you but you want to add some products or packages in either permanently or seasonally, there is an easy way to do it! Candid has pre-built offers that can be pulled into your account. Once you  have those available, you can copy packages, products or groupings into your existing offers. 

Import a Candid Offer

To import an existing Candid offer, go to Offers (top menu in CORE) and click on the link that says Click here to import an official CCS offer. Select the offer you want to copy from using the drop down menu and then click the Import button. You will then see the Candid offer in your list of offers. 

Copy a Package or Grouping

You can copy over the package, product or grouping by going into your newly copied offer and clicking the copy button that is above the product that you want to move. Choose the destination offer from the drop down menu and click the copy button. That package or grouping will now exist in your destination offer. The graphics assigned to that grouping will also be copied. make sure you select which tab the product should show up on (to the left of the grouping header).  

If you would like to offer a package or product for a limited time please see our article on When Packages are Offered