Offers & Products

How can I offer products for a limited time?

You can offer products or packages for a date range or offset.

If you want to only offer certain products, packages or groupings for a limited amount of time (example: no shipping on packages purchased within 48 hours of your event) or for a certain date range (example: Holiday cards from November-December) you can do that in your offer setup. 

  1. Go to the product or package in your offer and click edit to the left of the package description.
  2. Click Edit Package Settings at the top of the page
  3. Go to the section that says When do you want this package/product offered?: 
  4. You can do always - that will keep that package available anytime, By date range - only shows the product during the dates entered, By event date offset - shows the package from days 0-___ (however many days you choose), or By event deadline date offset - will be a number of days after your deadline date.
    Example: You want to do free shipping on your largest package (package A) for the first two days your event is active. You would copy package A - on the first package A select By event date offset and enter days 0-2 and uncheck the box that says to include this package when calculating shipping. For the copy, you would enter days 2-9999. Using this method will still calculate shipping on additional products or packages but not on package A. You want to be careful to overlap the days your package is available (0-2) (2-9999). If you do not put day 2 on both, the package will simply disappear for a day. The package will show through the last day listed.