Orders - Placed in CORE (Manual Order Entry)
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  3. Orders - Placed in CORE (Manual Order Entry)

How to Cancel an Order Placed in CORE

If you have keyed an order through CORE, but have not yet transmitted it to the lab, you can cancel it in CORE. If you have already transmitted the order you will need to contact CCSsupport@candid.com/1-800-750-0494

How to Cancel an Order in CORE  You Have Already Transmitted to the Lab

If the order has not yet been produced, you can contact a CCS Support team member to cancel the order(s).   When cancelling an order it's best to call 1-800-750-0494 in order to try and catch the order before it's produced.

How to Cancel an Order in CORE You Have NOT Transmitted to the Lab

Go to the Orders page and pull up the order by searching on the Customers Name, PIN or Order ID.   Or you click on Transmit Orders on the left menu to see all orders in the queue and select from there.

Once you have located the order, click on the order ID to pull up the order.   If the order has not transmitted you will see a Cancel button.   Click cancel to cancel the order.