Setup & Settings Guides

How to Photograph Subjects for a Virtual Group

Virtual groups require subjects be photographed on a Chroma-Key or TKO background and cutout. Very specific posing and cropping is also required.


Camera/Photographer should be 7 feet from the subject.

Lens should be set at 50mm.

You may have to adjust slightly based on the tallest subject. 

All should be photographed at the same distance and focal length which is determine by your tallest subject.  You will get more legs on your shorter subjects.


Photograph your subjects at minimum from mid thigh up.  You may have more of the legs, but you should never be tighter on the subject than mid thigh.

Subject should keep hands down to side or in front grabbing one wrist.  You don't want arms locked behind their back with arms tight to the body as this makes the subject appear to have no arms or arms out because the elbow will look like they are linked.

If arms are behind back, keep elbows out slightly, or hang arms straight down with palms against the side of legs.


If you shoot off the background it will require a $2.50 manual repair per image to fix.

GOOD POSINGGrab the wrist or hands to the side with palms on the legs.  Arms should stay close to the body so they don't overlap the people on either side of them in the group.


BAD POSING - Arms too far back so it looks like they have no arms or elbows out too far so it looks like they are handcuffed.

BAD POSING - Subject should be facing forward, arms close to body.  When facing forward, keep elbows against body.

BAD BACKGROUND - Too Dark, Wrinkles, Shadows.  Backgrounds should be light grey or unlit white for TKO or Chroma-key green or blue, with no wrinkles or shadows.



Background Color = Solid white or light light grey (DO NOT LIGHT THE BACKGROUND)

Background Width = Minimum 5 feet wide

Background Height = Minimum will depend on the tallest subject.  You do not want to shoot off the background.  Shooting off the background will require manual cutouts at $2.50 per image.

Distance from Background to Subject = Heels 3 feet from the vertical section of 5 foot wide backgrounds.  Heels 4 feet from the vertical section of wider backgrounds.

Shadows on Background = Very light shadows may not affect cutouts.

Suggested Background = Westcott X-Drop 5’x12’ or 9’x20’ in White


Background Color = Must be a good quality chroma-key background

Background Width = Minimum 5 feet wide

Background Height = Minimum will depend on the tallest subject.  You do not want to shoot off the background.  Shooting off the background will require manual cutouts at $2 per image.

Distance from Background to Subject = Heels 4 feet from the background if background is 5 feet to 8 feet wide.  Heels 5 feet from background if background is over 9 feet wide.

Shadows on Background = There must be NO SHADOWS on background, as it WILL affect cutouts.

Suggested Background = Westcott X-Drop 5x12 or Lastolite 10x12



Basic 1 Light = 1 light with no reflector directly over camera using a 60" white umbrella, set 10 feet from background.

Advanced Multi Light = 1 main, 1 fill and optional hair light.


Basic 2 Light = 1 light with no reflector directly over camera using a 60" white umbrella set 10 feet from background, 1 light to the left or right of the subject, 3 feet high, pointed at the center of the background.

Advanced Multi Light = 1 main, 1 background light to the left or right of the subject, 3 feet high, pointed at the center of the background, 1 fill and optional hair light.


Camera/Photographer should be 10 feet from the subject.

Lens should be set at 35mm for Crop Sensor / APS-C Cameras and 50mm for Full Frame Cameras.  A 7' from camera to subject configuration is also available below for use with an APS-C and 35 mm focal length

You may have to adjust slightly based on the tallest subject. 


All should be photographed at the same distance and focal length.


Shooting Mode = M

ISO = 400

Shutter Speed = 1/125

Aperture = F8

White Balance = 5560-5560 Kelvin

Color Space = sRGB

Resolution/Image Size = 6-12 MP

Compression/Quality = Basic for Nikon, Stair Step Symbol for Canon

Auto Focus Lens = A or MA

Camera Body Focus Switch = AF

Focus Mode = AF-S Auto, grp or single