
Events > ID Images

You can assign names and contact data to participants using CORE

There are actually a couple of different methods that you can use to match a name/contact information to an image. 

1. Import ID's via spreadsheet

You can list the folder name-image name under a column header titled Spots and when you import your names list, it will apply the ID information to your images automatically. You will need to upload your images first, lock the rolls and make sure that the data matches the folder and image names exactly for this method to work properly. 

2. Manually ID in CORE

Import your name and contact data into your event under the Names & Contact Data menu option. Then, upload and lock your folders and go to Images>ID Images>Check Out All Sets. Once there you will see images and you can select the correct participant name from the list to the left of the images. Once you are done, mark complete and check in your images.