Yearbook Images

Yearbook/Admin File Export

CORE allows you to export your yearbook and/or admin files to your computer. From there you can download the file to burn to CD/DVD, or share via a shared drive or service such as, dropbox or google drive.


  • Images must be IDd in CORE and a default or yearbook pose assigned
  • CORE will use the default image for the export unless you have allowed your customer to select their yearbook pose on the retail website, you have imported a yearbook spot column in your spreadsheet or if you have allowed your organization to select/approve poses on the site.
  • Next you must head size your images. To head size images, go to the event in CORE> Yearbook> Headsize Images


  1. Go into the event in CORE > Yearbook on left menu > Then click the Configure Yearbook Export button.
    1. CORE will show you warnings about images that are not headsized, or IDd or have no default/pose selected.  Pay close attention to the warnings to make sure you have completed all the steps to get the images in your export that you intend to get.
    2. If you have previously done an export for this event and anything on the event has changed since the last export such as, adding images/names, changing name assignments, default images or headsizing scroll to the bottom and click "Clear Cache" before starting a new export.
  2. You may optionally choose to create a custom profile for the export you are about to do.
    1. If you have specific settings related to a school/organization you can create a profile that will save all your settings, so that the next time you need to create an export, you can select the profile you created and skip straight to the export without having to remember all the settings.
  3. Enter the School Name and Year in the Export Target field and in the School Name Field
  4. Choose the Export Format that matches what your school is requesting (Jostens/PSPA/PMAI is the most common)
  5. Division:  Select All Divisions (unless you specifically want only one division exported)
  6. Select Images to Export: All
  7. Select Images Folder: Images (unless you want the images and the index file all in the same folder)
  8. Image Name Format will automatically be selected based on the export format you selected (or if using a previously saved profile)
    1. If doing a custom export, it allows you to dictate the image name using the available data.  A common custom export name is LastName-FirstName-ExtNameID
      1. Note, you'll will need a name combination that will be unique for each person.  Example: if you choose to name the images LastName-FirstName and there are two or more people with the same Last Name and First Name, it will overwrite each others images until it gets to the last image with that name.  So by including the student ID (ExtNameID) or some other unique data, it will keep your images from overwriting one another.
  9. Chroma-Key/TKO Backgrounds:  You will only see this option if you are using dynamic cutout images for your export and on the yearbook/image export page your have selected the option to use dynamic image. 
    1. If you are using dynamic images, you must enter the event#, folder and image of the background you'd like to use for the exported jpg images.
    2. Note:  if you haven't already, you'll need to create a "background" event and upload your backgrounds to that event.  Once uploaded you'll use the event#-folder-image name to enter on the the export page under "Chroma-Key/TKO Backgrounds".
  10. Include Index:  Yes
  11. The Field Mappings are what will be included in the accompanying index.txt file that goes with your exported images. If your school has asked for any specific fields, you can map them to fields in CORE here. 
    1. At minimum you should map to FirstName, LastName, Grade
  12. If you are doing a custom export you will need to map your Image Names to File:Filename
  13. If you require any fields that are not automatically selected or not included in the default mappings, you can add them here. An example might be Student ID number (EXTNameID)
  14. If you would like CCS to color balance your images check the Color Balance option.  There is a $25 charge for balancing images.
    1. Color balancing is typically used when the yearbook photos are taken by different photographers and/or different days and the overall color/lighting are slightly different.  Balancing makes the images look similar, so they match as closely as possible, so when looking at many images, such as in a yearbook, the images are similar in color/density.
  15. We recommend you select Retouching: If retouching has been ordered on the default/yearbook image, use the retouched image.  This means if your customer has ordered retouching on the default/yearbook pose and that image has been retouched it will pull the retouched image.
  16. Most Image Sizes are Standard, but you can select your image size or enter a custom size
    1. Note: if using a custom size you should have also done your headsizing to that same aspect ratio
  17. Most use the color mode:  RGB
  18. Click export and the job will queue and transmit to the lab
    1. Depending on the number of images, if color balancing is ordered and if retouched images are being used, the job will typically take between 1-4 hours to be created.
    2. When the job is complete, you can click on "Previous Exports" on the left menu to view and download it.

  • Cache Maintenance: This clears out old data from previous exports on the same event. If you have done an export but then changed cropping in head sizing or default images, it is a good idea to Clear cache before the next export so you are using all new data in your export. 

Download the Export

After the export is created, you can download it from CORE under Yearbook >Previous Exports.

  1. You will first zip the file then click on it to download.
    1. You should unzip the file after you download it and before sending to your school or coach so they don't have to unzip the file themselves.
    2. Most photographers send the unzipped files via FTP software such as filezilla or share sites such as dropbox, google drive or on a USB thumb drive delivered to the school.