Accessing Images

How can the landing page help customers find events?

Showing a list of your events in a simple, searchable format will help customers find their images.

Many customers get to their images via direct link that you have sent to them via email or SMS message but some will go to your website and search for their event. Landing pages are a great solution to help customers find the event that they attended and ultimately purchase images and products from you. Customizing the page with logos from the organization or school that your event is associated with will make it even easier to navigate. 

To set the logo or crest on your landing page go to your event>Offer Setup>Landing Page Settings>Event Graphic= Crest ScanNo> and type the scan number for your crest or logo (can be found by selecting your logo from the drop down under offer setup for any product that includes a crest or logo. 

The landing page will also include a list of upcoming events which is helpful for customers to view if they have a future event scheduled with you. To get an event to appear here, simply setup that event in CORE with a future date. 

Customers will be able to search for their event using the event name, date, a Password you setup on the event, or a PIN number (assigned automatically in CORE - can be found under Names & Contact Data menu) 

If you have a button on your current website that you need to link to the landing page, you can find the link to add to the button in CORE under Settings>Website.