
Offers > Custom Backgrounds

Custom Backgrounds are used to offer dynamic background choices to your customer on images that have been cutout via our TKO or Chroma-Key services.

Create a Background Event

Create an event in CORE and name it "Backgrounds".   We recommend creating the event in the market you do the most work in.

  1. Setup an event in CORE and name it "Backgrounds"
  2. While in the "backgrounds" event on the left menu select Images
    1. On this page click the Update button under Update watermarks
    2. Next to both watermark options
      1. Select NONE
      2. Uncheck the option for scrolling watermark
    3. Click Save Changes
      This will remove the copyright watermarks from the background images so they display properly on the retail website

Downloading CCS Backgrounds 

If you'd like to use CCS provided backgrounds click the link below to view and download the backgrounds you'd like to use

Click here to view and download CCS backgrounds 

Creating/Editing Your Own Background Images

If you'd like to take or create images to use as backgrounds follow these instructions

  • Your background images need to be an 8"x12" and 12"x8" aspect ratio, which is 2400 pixels x 3600 pixels and 3600 pixels x 2400 pixels at 300 dpi.
    • We recommend you have both a vertical 8x12 and a horizontal 12x8 background for each of your backgrounds to accommodate both orientation of photos you may take.
We recommend you name your background images something meaningful so that it's easy to find and key into CORE later.
  • Example:  if the backgrounds are basketball specific, consider naming them, "Basketball1v", for vertical and "Basketball1h" for the horizontal version.
  • Note: images may only contain letters, numbers and underscores, not spaces or other characters are accepted.

Upload Your Backgrounds

Go into the Background Event you created in CORE.

  • Go to Images on the left menu
  • Click Start Upload to launch the CCS Uploader Program
  • We recommend when you upload your images you upload into folders that are named something that represent the images.
    • Example:  if you are uploading basketball specific backgrounds, upload them to a folder named "Basketball".   If the backgrounds are for spring school portraits, name the folder "Spring".
    • Note:  folder names may only contain letters, numbers and underscores, no spaces or other characters are allowed.
  • Once you finish the upload, you'll need to make note of your event number, folder and background image names for the next step
  • You do not need to lock, align or enable your background event images.   You just need to upload them.  

Setting Up Your Dynamic Backgrounds in CORE

Go to the Offers Page in CORE

  • Select "Custom Backgrounds" on the left menu
  • Select the Categories tab
    • Confirm you have categories setup that represent the backgrounds you are about to add.
      • Example:  If you are adding basketball specific backgrounds, you should add a category titles "Basketball"
  • Once your categories are added, click on the Add Backgrounds tab
    • Enter the Event Number where you uploaded the background
    • Enter the Folder where you uploaded the background
    • Enter the image name you gave the background
    • Enter the background Code you'll use when importing orders with dynamic backgrounds
      • Note:  this pose code will be entered in your spreadsheet under column header "BackgroundCode".
    • Select Type:  Background
    • Select the category you want the background displayed in
    • Click Add
    • Repeat for all backgrounds you'd like to add
  • To view backgrounds that have been added, click on the Backgrounds Tab and select a category
    • You can click edit to move a background to a different category
      • Note:  backgrounds can only be in one category, so if you have backgrounds you would like in multiple categories, you would need to upload the image multiple times, either into different folders or name the duplicate images differently within the same folder.

Your backgrounds will now be available within your events, under Chroma-Key/Knockout > Dynamic Backgrounds

  • To make your backgrounds available for your event, select a category and check all the backgrounds you'd like to offer your customer.