
Offers > Offers & Packages

Offers & Packages page is where you will find all your product offers/online pricelist. Offers are a collection of packages containing products and single products available for your customer to purchase.

To View An Existing Offer

Click on the offer name to view the details of that offer.  You can use the filters at the top of the page to narrow the list of offers you are viewing.

Import a CCS Recommended Offer

Click on "Click here to import an official CCS Offer".  Locate the offer you'd like to import, select default season (unless you have setup and utilized seasons) and click Import.  It's recommended that you change the name of the offer once you import it, so you can more easily recognize the name of the offer.

Create a New Offer

Click on "Click here to add a new offer".  Enter a name for your offer, select default season (unless you have setup and utilize seasons).  Select the module/market you plan to use the offer in.  Note: some products are market specific.  You may optionally change the verbiage of the upsell header.  Most leave it as is. 

Check the options you like and save.

    • Enable Retail Freeform Text and Graphics = This allows your customer to add customizable text and/or thought bubbles to their images.
    • Enable Retail Multiple Title Options for all packages = This allows your customer to choose between different title options.  If checked, you can choose up to 4 options you'd like to offer your customer.
    • Enable Retail user Images Enhancements = This allows you to offer different levels or retouching, black and white and sepia images.
Once you have named your offer you can begin adding products and packages.