Orders - Placed in CORE (Manual Order Entry)
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  3. Orders - Placed in CORE (Manual Order Entry)

How do I check the status of an order?

You can check the status of orders placed on the retail website and/or through CORE.

  1. Go to Orders and choose what you want to search by. You can select Auto for it to search by all the fields. Enter the customer's name, email, pin number, order number or even their phone number to pull up an orders associated with them. 
  2. In this example we searched by the customers PIN number. Click on the History button on the left hand side
  3. Now you will see a list of all the orders associated with that PIN.
  4. Simply click on which OrderID you want to know the status of. This will take you to the Order Summary where you can see the status. If there is a tracking number for the order that will also show on this page.