Event Details

Can I put a password on my event?

Yes, you can protect your event by using a password. Passwords can also be used as a keyword to easily find events online.

To setup a password, go to your Event>Quicklinks>Event Settings>Password and enter the code or password you wish to use. The password does have to be unique since it can also be used to search for an event. If the password you have chosen has already been used on another event, it will not be available so be sure to establish and reserve your password before distributing it to participants at your event. Be sure to both reserve the password and save it to apply it to your event. 

Passwords are not only used to lock or protect an event, but can also be used to search for events on your landing page or at partypics.com. Simply distribute the assigned password to attendees at your event and they will be able to use it to locate their event on your website. This is not as effective a marketing method as proactive marketing with campaigns, but can be used in addition to those methods to potentially increase traffic on your event.