Printed Templates (ScanCards/Sequence Cards/Proofs)
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  3. Printed Templates (ScanCards/Sequence Cards/Proofs)

How do I print paper cards and/or proofs from CORE templates.

Cards are typically printed before events for registration and/or PhotoMatch scanning. Proofs/Postcards are printed after and event to mail to customers for additional orders.

To print a template, you will go to your Event>Order>Queue Print Templates. There are print templates available from CCS or you can create or customize your own templates, you can learn how here

You will choose your printer under the Device menu. If you need to setup your printer, see our article on how to here. Sort order is how you want the proofs organized which should not matter unless they have names or you are taking them back to a school or organization for distribution in which case you will select the best method for that organization (class, division/team).  Queue profile will be First Mailing Print when queuing order forms or postcards.  Choose sequence cards when printing registration/scan/PhotoMatch cards. Then click Queue. The Queue Profile will determine the settings below that are applicable automatically so you don't have to worry about changing those for printing paper proofs for all participants unless you want to exclude a group of participants.  If mailing order forms or postcards, you many want to exclude those who have already placed an order.