Printed Templates (ScanCards/Sequence Cards/Proofs)
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  3. Printed Templates (ScanCards/Sequence Cards/Proofs)

Can I order paper proofs through CORE?

Yes, using CORE Print you can generate the templates through CORE and send us the files to print or print yourself on your own printer.

How to setup CORE Print

Edit a Printed Template

How to Print Proofs

If you have not had CCS print paper proofs before, you will need to email and request an upload folder be created on our server for you to upload the job's print files into. Please provide your account number and business name when requesting a print folder be created. They will email you back with a link where you will add the files.

  1. When you get the link to your account folder, you will create a folder within your acct folder named by the event number from CORE
  2. You will then upload the PDF or files to be printed of that event to event # folder within your account folder
  3. Once all files have been uploaded, fill out the proof order form and email it to