Printed Templates (ScanCards/Sequence Cards/Proofs)
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  3. Printed Templates (ScanCards/Sequence Cards/Proofs)

Can I print proofs for people with no email address?

You can easily change print settings to create paper proofs for people you have limited contact data for.

Sometimes you cannot get email addresses or cell phone numbers for all of the participants in your event. You may choose to print paper proofs/order forms for them after a view first event. To do this, go to your event>Order>Queue Print Templates. 


1. Select the device or printer, the template that you want to use, sort order can be any option, Queue profile should be First Mailing (Print)

2. Use the options in the pink box to limit who gets a printed proof/order form. The most common is to exclude people who you have a valid email address for. You could also print them for people who did not receive an email because their email bounced. 

Once you have the settings completed, click the Queue button at the top of the page which will queue up your print job to be sent to the printer.