
Queues > Print Jobs

The print queue shows print jobs you've queued using printed templates and what state they are in. These jobs are completed by opening CORE Print and sending the job to a printer. If print jobs are left in the queue, you will see an alert under not

Print Jobs

Go to the Queues Page in CORE then on the left menu select Print Jobs.

Here you can view jobs that have been queued but not yet printed. 

Additional things you can do on this page.

  • You can requeue to a different printer
  • You can change your sort order (the order in which the template print)
  • You can combine jobs into one job
  • You can stack sort your prints (this only works when using 4 up on and 8.5x11 pages)
  • You can delete a job 
  • You can separate a job into sets of 100
  • You can separate a job by division