
Queues > Summary

The Queues Summary is a list of various CORE jobs that have been scheduled or are in process.

Understanding the Summary

Print Queue

The print queue shows print jobs you've queued using printed templates and what state they are in.  These jobs are completed by opening CORE Print and sending the job to a printer.  If print jobs are left in the queue, you will see an alert under notifications.  Click here to learn more about the print queue.

Email Queue

The email queue show email jobs that have been queued and what state they are in.  To send the email jobs, go to the email queue, select the job and click send. If email jobs are left in the queue, you will see an alert under notifications.  Click here to learn more about the email queue.

CORE Agent Job Queue

Core Agent Jobs are processes CORE runs to move and update data within your account.  Example:  When an event is syncing that is a CORE Agent Job.   When you import a spreadsheet, that is a CORE Agent Job.  When you import retouched images, that is a CORE Agent Job.  This queue shows you how many jobs are running and the state they are in.  In most cases, CORE Agent Jobs run automatically and even retry on their own when an issue is encountered.  On occasion a CORE Agent Job will stall after it retries 100 times without success.  If that happens you will see a message in your notifications.  Click here to learn more about CORE Agent Jobs.

Order Transmit Queue

The order transmit queue shows orders that have been entered or imported into CORE and queued for transmit, but have not yet been transmitted to the lab.  It also shows the number of orders and the state they are in.  If orders are left in the transmit queue, you will see an alert under notifications.

Retouching/Image Queue

The retouching/image queue shows jobs pending in retouching or pending approval.  Is shows the number of jobs and their status.