Offers & Products

Can I restrict an image to a specific product?

Learn how to create restrictions on images to make sure the correct products show up

Restrict the Product

You can create or assign a restriction within the settings of a product. Go to the offer and click on the product you want to restrict. Expand the options and at the bottom of the list, you will see an option that says "I want to restrict this package/product to only being ordered with specific images." You will check that box and choose a restriction. You can also create a new restriction here. 


Restrict the Image

You will also need to restrict the image that you want this product to show up for to the same restriction. This happens under the Images menu within the event. Go to ID Images and once you are at that folder/image, click restrict and select the same restriction assigned to the product you want to offer. 


To summarize, you will need a product set to a restriction in addition to the image having that restriction in order for those products to show properly on the retail website.