Printed Templates (ScanCards/Sequence Cards/Proofs)
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Printing Sequence Cards for School Picture Day?

When you get the roster, you can print sequence cards to make picture day faster, by scanning a barcode or QR into PhotoMatch!

PhotoMatch has the ability to scan sequence cards on picture day which will make your school photo days run smoothly and efficiently. To print the sequence cards, you will go to your Event>Order>Queue Print Templates. There is a sequence card template already in your account that you can use, but if you want to customize the card, you can learn how here

You will choose your printer under the Device menu. If you need to setup your printer, see our article on how to. The template will be School Sequence Cards. Sort order is how you want the cards organized. This will depend upon your photo day. Will the classes be coming down by homeroom or grade? Choose the option that fits your flow. Most will be done by grade, homeroom, name. Queue profile will be Sequence Cards. Then click Queue. The Queue Profile will determine the settings below that are applicable automatically so you don't have to worry about changing those for printing sequence cards.