Events - SCHOOL

SCHOOL - Spring Portraits - View First with PhotoMatch (Recommended Workflow)

How to setup and manage a school spring portrait event using PhotoMatch and offering View First.

Event Setup

The following instructions will guide you through a spring portrait event using PhotoMatch and offering View First marketing.

  1. Click on Events on the top menu in CORE.  
  2. On the left menu select School
    1. This narrows down the workflows, features and products to that specific type of event
  3. Click “Create New Event”
  4. Select Your Acct #
    1. Select the market type: School
    2. Select your workflow
      1. You will notice the add-on features are automatically selected or deselected based on your workflow settings.
        1. At this point you can select or deselect any add-ons
      2. Enter Your Event Name – Remember your customer will see this name, so we don’t recommend abbreviations. If you allow customer to search for events, the full name and year in the event name are helpful.
      3. Event Date: enter the date of the event
      4. Event Deadline: enter the deadline date that will appear on the website (people can still order after the deadline).  We recommend a 7 day deadline.
      5. Late Fee Date: enter the date you want to start charging a late fee. This date needs to be at minimum one date after your deadline date.  We recommend not setting a late fee date and instead using a CCS Preferred offer that automatically increases prices after the deadline.
      6. Email Campaign will be preselected based on the settings in your Workflow, this can be changed after the event is setup if necessary
      7. Offer: will default the offer you set on the Workflow. You can change it here or after the event is setup.  We recommend one of the CCS Preferred school offers.
      8. Zip Code: this is the zip code of the event location
      9. Click Continue to setup the event
      10. You will now be within the Event Details of the event you just created


Divisions/Categories is how your names get matched to their group/class.  Your division names will be imported with your name roster.  If any of the products you are offering utilize a product style, you will need to assign that product style to the default division, so you can setup your titles and logos for that style on the offer setup page later.

1. Click on Divisions/Categories on the left menu while in the event

2.  Click the "Add/Edit Divisions" button

3.  Next to Default Division select the product style you will be using on this event.  If your offer does not contain any products that utilize styles, select None - Prompt on each order and save.

Formatting your Names & Contact Data Roster

When you get your roster containing contact data, it won’t likely be in a format to import without you editing the data columns. At minimum you will need student’s names, grade, teacher’s names, email and cell phone of at least one parent. If you are required to provide service items, such as ID cards, stripes, albums, etc. You make also need the Student ID. One very important portion of the data is the “Division”.   The division is a group or class.   The division is how people are “grouped” together and how you will identify group/class photos and what group/class photo a person belongs to. Each person’s name will be associated with a “division”.   It is extremely important that subject/parents know what “division” they or their child belongs to. Making divisions names descriptive is important. Also, all division names must be unique. You can’t have two divisions with the same name.

Divisions = Group/Class

In your spreadsheet have a column titled “division”, each class or group you’ll be photographing needs to be listed. This is how CORE knows what group photo a person belongs to.   Division names are not placed on products so you can be descriptive with your division names.

Parents are more likely to select the correct class/group when the division is more descriptive rather than just having names or grades, since there could be more than one teacher with the same name. Use the grade and teacher name for the division like this

            PreKAM-Mrs. Smith

            PreKPM-Mrs. Smith

            KAM-Ms. Jackson

            KPM-Ms. Jackson

            1st-Mr. Wilson

            1st-Mrs. Matthews

Go here to download a spreadsheet with the appropriate headers for the data you are likely to receive.

Note: Some data will be imported into more than one column.   Such info will be Student ID, Grade, Teacher/Homeroom.

Once you have your spreadsheet formatted properly for import you can proceed.

Importing your Roster

Once you have your spreadsheet formatted properly, you can import your roster.

  1. Click on Names & Contact data on the left menu
    1. Click the link “Import names and orders”
    2. Browse for your spreadsheet with names and contact data
      1. Check Table contains field headers and click continue
    3. Check where your data was located on your spreadsheet. Likely “Sheet1” is the tab was not renamed. Note: if you have more than one sheet of data (which are tabs on your spreadsheet, you’ll import them one at a time).
    4. One this page (if your headers were correct) your data columns will automatically match up to the CORE fields.   If they don’t, you can manually select the correct option in the dropdowns.
      1. Once you double check everything is matched correctly, confirm “Import secondary addresses” is checked and click Continue
    5. On this page you may get a warning that you have product captions that have not been mapped to data. This is OK, your customer will be prompted for these captions if they order the products requiring these captions.
    6. Click Continue
  2. You’ll see a progress bar as your data imports and when finished it will tell you the number of names imported
  3. Click on Names & Contact Data on the left menu to refresh the page and see the names you just imported
4.  Click back on Divisions/Categories on the left menu
    1. You will see all your teams/divisions listed, you will now need to select a style for each division
      1. If all divisions are going to use the same product style designs, click edit/add divisions
      2. Then click bulk update  and select a style and save

Note: Styles are the design to be used on the products, such as, memory mates and trader cards. The modifiers available to select from are assigned on your products within your offer.

Note: depending on the products you are offering, you may not have any modifiers to choose

Offer Setup

Your “offer” is the set of products you are offering your customer. When you select your product offer for the event, you’ll also be prompted to enter any captions and logos you’d like used when producing those products.  Again, we recommend the CCS Preferred school offer.

  1. While in your event, click on Offer Setup on the left menu
    1. Here you will enter text/captions/logos for all prompts that will be the same for everyone photographed, such as, date or school name.
      1. Note: The prompts you see here are determined by the products you have in your product offering and they style you have selected.
    2. Your customer will be prompted for any captions that are unique to them when they place an order.
    3. After entering captions and logos click Save Changes
    4. If you have unique captions for each division/class you can use caption division overrides to enter those unique captions.

Division Caption Overrides

1.  Click on Offer Setup on the left menu

2.  Select Caption Division Overrides

a.  You can either select the division from the dropdown, then check custom next to any line you want to override and enter the caption and save

b.  If you have multiple divisions, you may want to import your overrides via a spreadsheet.  Scroll to the bottom of the division override page for instructions on importing via a spreadsheet.

    PhotoMatch Settings

    Confirming your PhotoMatch settings are setup for your View First event.

    1. While in the event, click on PhotoMatch on the left menu
      1. Make the following PhotoMatch selections and Save Changes
    2. Click on Event Details on the left menu
      1. Under Quick Links, click Event Settings
    3. Scroll down to Proof Card Settings
      1. Confirm your Email Campaign is selected
      2. Next to email campaign start date: Enter the event date
      3. Save Changes
      4. Click back on Event Details on the left menu

    Registration Options

    If your roster does not contain contact information, or you'd like to collect additional information you will setup registration for this event.

    There are two options for registration.

    1. Event Registration which means you send everyone to the same link to register.  You will have to match newly collected data to your existing names in CORE after registration is complete.  This is an extra step after the event and can cause some to miss out on the first emails and SMS messages sent.  This is best if the school is willing to email the link and/or share via social media on your behalf before picture day.
    2. Individual Registration which means you will print a QR scan card that will be sent home with the student asking for parents to scan and register to receive photos.  This option is best if you plan to use QR scan cards and would like to send something home with each student.  The cards can be customized to work like a flyer to send info home with students.  This option also, automatically merges the collected contact data to the names you imported, so there are no additional steps after the event.

    Registration Setup

    Event Registration Setup

    Note:  these settings can be set on your workflow so you don't have to go through these steps on every event

    1. While in the event, select QR Code Registration on the left menu (if you don't see it, select Add-On Features and then add QR code registration and save)   Click on Event details to refresh the page.
    2. Then select Edit Registration settings on the left menu
    3. Select the following settings and save changes
    4. If you plan to share the event registration link via email, sms, social media or signage use this link:  
      (make sure to replace ACCT# with your CCS account number and EVENT# with your CORE event number)

    Individual Registration Setup

    Note:  these settings can be set on your workflow so you don't have to go through these steps on every event

    1. You'll need to confirm registration codes have been assigned to your imported names.
      1. On the left menu click Names & Contact data
      2. If codes have been assigned you will see those codes in a column labeled "Registration Code".   If you see codes skip to step # 4.   If you don't see codes continue to step # 3.
    2. While in the event, select QR Code Registration on the left menu (if you don't see it, select Add-On Features and then add QR code registration and save)   Click on Event details to refresh the page.
    3. Select QR Code Registrations on the left menu
      1. If your names don't have a Registration code yet, click the button "Create QR Codes for Existing Names"
    4. You will need to print some extra placeholder cards for anyone that shows up to photographed that was not on your original roster.   This may include new students and/or faculty and staff.
      1. Click "Create QR Codes for New Placeholder Name"  enter the number of placeholders you think you'll need and click continue. 
        1. Only create what you will need for this event.  Placeholders cannot be used on other events.  Typically 5-10 are enough. 
    Because these codes are unique, we don't want to waste codes that are not going to be used because the codes will continue to get longer and longer.

    1. Select Edit Registration settings on the left menu
    2. Select the following settings and save changes

    Syncing/Enabling Event

    1. While in the event, on the event details page, click the blue “Enable Event on Retail” button
      1. Wait for it to sync to retail
      2. Click the “Enable Campaign Auto Queuing” button in the pink box

          If you will be using individual event registration or would like to print and use QR/barcode scan cards, see training documents and videos for “Creating and Printing QR/Barcode Sequence Cards

          You are now setup and ready to photograph your View First School Event using PhotoMatch.  

          As you photograph your subjects you should be uploading your images. As soon as images are received by CCS, they will automatically be identified to names and contact data and posted online into the individuals gallery. Within a few minutes of images posing online emails and/or text message with a link to their gallery of images will be sent.  

          Note: this requires the first emails and/or text message in your campaign to be set to go on day 0.

          Picture Day

          Log into PhotoMatch

          1. Each photographer needs to log into a unique folder.
          2. Confirm uploading is enabled

          If using Scan Cards

          1. As a class arrives give that class's cards to the teacher to distribute
            1. If someone does not have a scan/QR code card, use a placeholder
            2. Note:  each placeholder is unique and can only be used by one person
          2. Student will approach photographer with scan card
          3. Photographer scans the card to pull up the name in PhotoMatch
          4. Photographer takes photos.  We recommend multiple poses.  3-5 poses.
          5. Repeat for each class
          6. When finished make sure all images have uploaded before logging out of PhotoMatch

          If not using Scan Cards

          1. As a class arrives photographer will select that class from the division dropdown in PhotoMatch
          2. Locate the students name and select to open the that name
            1. If someone is not in the list, the photographer can add them
          3. Photographer takes photos. We recommend multiple poses.  3-5 poses.
          4. Repeat for each class

            After the Event

            1. Confirm all images have uploaded before logging out of PhotoMatch (or when you get back to your office, log back into the same folder to finish the upload)