The Tera 711-z (EVHKOO52-A) scanner works with PhotoMatch. It must be programmed before it will work with PhotoMatch.
Tera 711-z (EVHK0052-A) 2D QR/Barcode Scanner
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Programming the Tera 9100/711-z scanner for use with PhotoMatch
- Plug the scanner into your tablet or computer
- Close or minimize all programs and browsers on your computer
- Scan each QR code below, in the order they appear, one at a time, and wait for the beep(s) after each scan before scanning the next code. (printable version)
1 low 1 high beep
1 low 1 high beep
- Enter Programming Mode
2 short low beeps
- Configure the 1st byte of suffix
1 high beep
1 beep
2 beeps
3 beeps
- Enter/exit programming mode
2 fast low beeps
- Enter/exit programming mode
2 fast low beeps
1 high beep
- Enter/exit programming mode
2 fast beeps
- BEFORE going to your next event. Open PhotoMatch and test the scanner in an event to confirm it has been properly programmed. If you have any issues, repeat steps 1-18 and try again.