Offers & Products

Virtual Groups

Learn how to submit an order for digital artwork for a Virtual Group Image

Virtual groups can be a great solution for very large teams/groups or a situation where photographing a traditional group is difficult or impossible. There are many benefits to virtual groups such as even lighting from top to bottom, well spaced participants and the ability to add or remove members of the group after picture day. Your images will need to be cutout ahead of time using the chroma-key or TKO services. All images will also need to be ID'd to a participant to be included in a virtual group.

Event Setup

Make sure you have "Digital Artwork" enabled as an "Add-On Feature" when you setup your event.  If you did not do so at setup, go into your event in CORE and select "Add-On Features" on the left menu and check "Digital Artwork" and save.   Then click on the event details on the left menu to refresh the page.  You will now see "Digital Artwork" in the left menu.

IDing Images for a Virtual Group

If using PhotoMatch you can mark the image you take for the virtual group as the "default/yearbook" pose after you take the photo.   This will allow you to narrow you images to just the default image when you place your order, making it much faster to order.

If you did not use PhotoMatch or did not mark a default while photographing, you can go into CORE and mark a default image for each subject.

To Order

Go into your event in CORE and select "Digital Artwork" on the left menu.  You will be redirected to the digital artwork order page. Enter the email address for notification of when the group is completed by retouching and select Virtual Group from the drop down for Artwork Type. 

Product Restriction

Product restriction can be used to limit the packages and products available for the group. This is useful when you are ordering an odd-sized group that will need custom products to fit the aspect ratio. You should not restrict if you the virtual group will be the only group for a division or if you plan to use the group in Memory Mate or Team Mate product.  If the plan is to use the group as the only group and in group products you should select 8x10 padded as the group product to order.  

Print Size

These are the recommendations on print sizes determined by the number of subjects.

5-50 Subjects - 8x10, 10x14

51- 100 Subjects - 10x14, 10x18, 10x24

101 - 200 Subjects - 10x18, 10x24

201 - 300 Subjects - 10x24

301 - 1500 Subjects - 10x24, 10x30

Artwork Product/Style

This is where you will select the size (aspect ratio) and art style of the group as well as whether or not you want names to be visible under the participant images on the final product. The art style will determine titles, colors, text and logo placement. 


The division/category can be chosen here or you can select to do all categories, one artwork per category if you need to make many groups with the same layout for your event (think league sports). 

Enter Sequence Images

This will allow you to enter which images you want visible first-last. It lays them out starting on the left side of the first row and ends on the last row on the far right side. You can optionally check the box to organize your images using the organizer tool. This will show you the layout of your rows and allow you to drag and drop participants into their desired position before you send the order to retouching to be created. 


You will enter Upper Text, Lower Text and logos above each group that you create. 

Include Participants

Check the box under the participant images that you want included in your virtual group. If you are including participant names, you can change/edit their names during the ordering process under their image before you send the order to retouching to be created. Once finished checking images to be included in the group, Click the button that says Queue Order for Transmit to Lab. You can optionally select Check all images to choose to include all images below in the group. This is useful if you only have virtual group images (one per person) in the folder you are pulling from. 

Artwork Styles

Click here to view the style guide. 

Virtual Group Layouts Base on # of Subjects in the Group