
Why are my group photos not showing online?

Having trouble with group photos? This troubleshooting guide can help.

If you have uploaded your group photos but you cannot see them online, there are some easy things you can check:

1. Have you marked them as group images? In your event, Go to Images>Transfer Group Images then click the box under each group photo that you want to assign to a division/category and click Save Settings

2. Are your groups matched to a division/category? Go to Images>ID Group Images and choose the appropriate division from the drop down options and save

3. If your group images are Chroma Key, did you render a background? Dynamic Chroma Key images will not work in some products so be sure to add a background to your group images. 

4. Have you refreshed the event after loading the groups? Be sure to re-sync the event on the Event Details page and preview your event to ensure that it is functioning as expected online. 

Tried all of these things and still having issues? Contact us at and we will take a look.