
Queues > Email Jobs

The email queue show email jobs that have been queued and what state they are in. To send the email jobs, go to the email queue, select the job and click send. If email jobs are left in the queue, you will see an alert under notifications.

Email Jobs

Go to the Queues Page in CORE.

Click on Email Jobs on the center or left menu to view your email jobs.  When you arrive on this page it defaults to jobs in currently in the queue.

You can see the event the emails are associated with, as well as, the email template and subject line of that template.  You will also see the date/time the email was queued and when it's scheduled to send un the scheduled delivery column.  If the email was automatically queued via an active campaign, the user name will be CORE Agent.  If the email was manually queued from the event or participant name, it will show the CORE user that queued the email.  Under the "done" column you'll see the number of emails sent and the number to be sent.  The business address being used in the template will be displayed in the last column.

The status of the email job...

    • Queued for Future = This means the emails will automatically send at 3pm CST.
    • Waiting for Approval = This means the emails are queued but will not send until you select them and click send jobs. 

Previewing and Sending a Test

  • To preview the email, click the Preview button to view the first email in the job.
  • To send yourself or anyone a test email, check the job and enter the email address you want to send a test to.  It will send the first email in the job as a test email.
  • To view all the email addresses included in this job, click the Export button to export a list of emails
  • To delete an email job, check the job, then click the Delete Jobs button
  • To stop an email that has started sending, check the email job and click the Stop Jobs button.  (Note: this will NOT stop the emails that have already sent, it will only stop ones that have not yet sent)

Consolidated Email Jobs

At the bottom of the page you will find the queue for consolidated email jobs.

Email Job Combined Summary

The email job combined summary is a list combined of upcoming email jobs and a history of the email jobs that have already sent.

Upcoming Only

The upcoming only list is a summary of email jobs that are scheduled in the next 30 days.

History Only

The history only list is a summary of the email jobs that have already sent.

Exceptions Report

The exceptions report shows a list of jobs you queued, but could not send because there was no contact data associated with the participants in the event.