
Downloading & Installing the NowCandid App

Follow these instructions to download and install the NowCandid App on your tablets

Setting Up Your Tablet

  1. Open your tablet and go to and log into your account
  2. In the upper right corner, click on your email address
  3. Under Manage Account click on the "Download Software" button
    1. Scroll down and click on the "Click here to get the Now Candid App"
    2. You'll be redirected to the Microsoft App Store
    3. Click "Get in Store App"
    4. Click "Install"
    5. We recommend pinning the App to your Taskbar for easy access later
  4. Return to under Manage Account and click "App Settings"
    1. Here you can change your passcode. 
    2. The passcode is used by the photographer to log into the app on the tablet.