
Can we NOT charge tax/shipping on a product?

You can set a product to not charge tax and/or shipping online.

Charging tax and or shipping on certain items like digital products or gift certificates doesn't make sense. You have the ability to take that charge off of individual products (instead of the entire offer). To do this, go to Offers (top CORE menu) and click on the product offering you want to adjust. 

1. Click the Edit button to the left of the package or product you are editing

2. Click Edit Package Settings at the top of the page

3. To disable charging shipping: under Tax and Shipping Charges, uncheck the box for I want this package/product included when calculating shipping (unchecking this option will cause the retail site to NOT charge shipping on this product)

4. To disable charging tax: under Tax and Shipping Charges, uncheck the box for I want this package/product included when calculating tax (unchecking this option will cause the retail site to NOT charge tax on this product)

5. Click Save Package Settings at the bottom of the page

5. To apply this change to your event(s), you can refresh all events using this product offering by going to the bottom of the offer details page and clicking the button that says "Refresh all of the above events on Retail"