Portraits Now

Portraits Now Overview

Make more money using our all-inclusive portrait photography system

How You Make Money

  • You receive a percentage of revenue from products sold and shipping based on the price level you select.
  • Automated text and email campaigns encourage subjects to purchase when their interest is highest.
  • When setting up your job you have the option to choose from a handful of pricing levels. View pricing levels>
  • View a Printable Overview of this Program

Associated Fees

  • None
  • Zip
  • Nada
  • We don't charge you anything. Really!

Portraits Now

Best use is for Family, Business or Senior Portraits

Portraits Now offers 2 different workflows

Tablet Entry

This method does not use face recognition.  It positively IDs data to images.  The subject enters their name and contact data on the tablet, then all photos taken are placed in a private gallery specific to that individual or family.  Best when you are photographing a single person or family that will share contact data.

Scanner Identification

This allows you to create a QR scan card that will be unique to each subject.  Subject can scan the QR to register.  After registration, the photographer scans the card to identify the subject to that code.  After images are taken a link will be sent via email/sms text to the subjects personalized gallery.  Best when you are doing portraits of multiple people that have different contact data.

Learn more about PortraitsNow